My baby cousin has her birthday this week! And in this very special year for her, I want to give her a very special gift. You see, my youngest cousin is a dentist specialized in treating children! Therefore, I present you: a Horrible Dentist Horror Story! As a kid, I never brushed my teeth. Wait, […]
Chauvet 2. A Nr. 1 Cave.
Honestly, I am a bit embarrassed to write about our summer trip, but at the time, the numbers were low. Also, our trip to Seattle had already been cancelled and we so needed a break from all the homeschooling and home office stress. I guess we needed a break from home. The plan was to […]
My bug loving girl. Really!
My girl and I share a lot of characteristics, but when it comes to bugs, we are the opposite. Because she actually loves them. And I really didn’t. But kids do not only learn from us. I learnt from Janne to marvel at these miniature creatures, slowly overcoming my own fears for them along the […]
Corona Isolation. What I have learnt so far.
We all have lived in this new Corona-crazy world for a while now. At this point, I am so drained, my emotional life mimics the economy. Which probably explains why I have a hard time to write. Time for some evaluations: Home Office works, but only under certain conditions. Having no kids around is one […]
Homegoing. By Yaa Gyasi
I finally managed to finish a book again! Hurray! And what a book! Homegoing. By Yaa Gyasi. The book, first published in 2016, follows the paths of two halfsisters from Ghana over their descendants for eight generations. While one sister marries an English slave trader, her halfsister – unknown to her – is imprisoned and […]